Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Recent Activities

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Initiative for Digitalization of Cadaster

Initiative for Digitalization of Cadaster

On December 15, FIC launched the initiative for digitalization of procedures and exchange with the Cadaster, in relation to the approval and realization of financial products. The letter sent to the NBS, Construction Minister, Office for IT and e-Government and Geodetic Authority outlines that the COVID-19 pandemic put focus on the use of digital technologies…

Initiative on Cost for Bailiffs’ Charge

Initiative on Cost for Bailiffs’ Charge

In February, FIC invested a lot of efforts in standardizing the practice related to the charges of public bailiffs for enforcement of the debts to the telco operators from 2007-2012. The initiative concerns the processes transferred to the bailiffs from the courts. A letter to the Justice Ministry and the Public Bailiffs’ Chamber was sent…

Initiative on E-Invoicing for Telco

Initiative on E-Invoicing for Telco

FIC approached the Trade and Telco Ministry to advocate for the introduction of electronic invoice as a basic invoice form to be sent to the consumers. This would spare 240 million sheets of paper in 4 years in Serbia, while the clients who need the invoice in paper would still have the possibility to ask…

Initiative on Invoicing in Health

Initiative on Invoicing in Health

On November 30, an initiative was sent to the Republic Health Insurance Fund with the aim to obtain additional information on the planned manner of electronic invoicing of delivered medical products to the health institutions in the Republic of Serbia. The products are invoiced to the Health Insurance Fund and the initiative concerns new manner…

Insight into Discussion of FIC Online Conference on Digitalization

Insight into Discussion of FIC Online Conference on Digitalization

On June 2, FIC organized online Conference on Digitalization titled: ‘’Digitalization in Serbian Regulations: Possibilities and Limitations’’. Interest of both members and state institutions was high. The event attracted around 100 FIC members and gathered 15 representatives of the 7 state and Government institutions to discuss with FIC Committee chairpersons challenges and benefits of digitalization…

Intense Engagement on Digital Identity

Intense Engagement on Digital Identity

FIC continued to pursue goals of the major initiative for digitalization of financial services. Intense communication with different state bodies took place during the summer. On July 5, meeting was held with the Government and the Office for IT and e-Government on digital identity. FIC was represented by the Executive Director, Regulatory Officer and telco…

Ivan Gazdic at RE Conference

Ivan Gazdic at RE Conference

FIC Infrastructure and Real Estate Committee President Ivan Gazdic promoted FIC at the joint conference of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – RICS and National Association of Valuers of Serbia – NAVS on September 9.

Joint Initiative on Company Law

Joint Initiative on Company Law

On February 18, together with AmCham and NALED, FIC provided to the Economy Ministry the comments related to the amendments on the Company Law which is planned for September 2021 aiming to improve the position of Serbia on the Doing Business List. The three associations outlined that the Company Law, as a systemic Law, should…

Last Cocktail in 2019 and Best Wishes for 2020

Last Cocktail in 2019 and Best Wishes for 2020

Fourth and last FIC cocktail in 2019 was held on December 17 at the Home of Jevrema Grujica museum. Around 80 member representatives took the opportunity to meet at the event sponsored by Raiffeisen bank. They were greeted by FIC President Yana Mikhailova, Raiffeisen bank CEO Zoran Petrovic and FIC Executive Director Aleksandar Ljubic. FIC…

Last NKTOT Meeting in 2019

Last NKTOT Meeting in 2019

On December 27 FIC participated at the session of the National Coordination Body for Trade Facilitation (NKTOT). Action plans for the expert working groups of the Body for 2020 and 2021 were presented and discussed in view of being adopted by mid-January. Participants were provided the Draft plans ahead of the meeting. FIC was represented…