6th NKTOT Session
Fresh info on trade issues was presented and discussed at the sixth session of the National Coordination Body for Trade Facilitation (NKTOT) on May 13. FIC was represented by the Vice President of the Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee Nenad Radenkovic. Topics discussed included: UNECE Study on regulatory and procedural barriers in trade of Serbia…

8th Serbian Real Estate and Infrastructure Development Conference
FIC Serbia was an institutional partner of TGI Group International in organizing the 8th Serbian Real Estate and Infrastructure Development Conference. Our Infrastructure & Real Estate Committee President, Mr. Mario Kijanović, participated in the ‘Retail, Logistics, Shopping Centers and Hospitality Real Estate Market: New Trends to Grow Your Business‘ panel. On that occasion, he emphasized that current global challenges…
A year of growth for the Foreign Investors Council
Belgrade, 21th, December 2016 – The Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual session of the Assembly, adopting a set of important decisions. Members voted for changes of the electoral model of FIC Board of Directors and decided for FIC not to join the Council of Mixed Chambers of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. FIC…

Achieved Success on Direct Marketing
FIC invested significant efforts in changing the Article 37 of the Proposal of the Consumer Protection Law to avoid the additional financial, technical and organizational burden for the economy and achieved this goal. The article in question concerns direct marketing and the so-called “Don’t Call” registry of consumers not willing to receive calls or messages…

Amended WB TF Plan on Taxes
On June 3rd, FIC discussed priority topics on taxation with the Finance Ministry at the Meeting of the White Book Task Force dedicated to that issue. Topics discussed were transparency and predictability of the legislative procedure and electronic invoicing and fiscalization. Taxation Committee Vice President Vanja Korac outlined the need for public discussions with sufficient…

Announcement: FIC Webinar on AML Rules
Malis tempor ut cernantur ne probant. Cernantur ne noster, a si nulla laboris, tempor elit eram occaecat noster, ita in lorem minim multos…

Annual Assembly: Make a Difference
FIC Annual Assembly will be held on December 12 at 09.00, at the venue of the FIC member company – OTP Bank, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 48v, and we invite members (this invite is solely reserved for Member Representatives of FIC members companies – CEOs) to use this event as an opportunity to influence the election…

Annual Assembly: Successful Activities Amid Crisis
On December 17, 2020 the Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual session of the Assembly summarizing the key achievements and making solid basis for the future growth. Members also adopted Annual and Preliminary Financial Report for 2020. Respecting epidemiological regulations, the Assembly was held via online platform. Looking into 2020, FIC President and Telenor…
Annual Meeting of the Foreign Investors Council Assembly
2010 – Year of challenges and achievements Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual meeting of the Assembly, adopting the Annual Report for 2010 and discussing plans and prospective activities in 2011. The session was an opportunity to reflect upon the results achieved in the current year, specifically in relation to the work of the…

Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee Established and Leadership Elected
Ea sint tempor non tempor veniam sed deserunt relinqueret, culpa probant aut tamen ipsum ut incididunt elit cupidatat commodo e lorem occaecat…