White Book 22 Edition Presentation to the Government of the Republic of Serbia
In the year when the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment and operation, the “White Book 2022” was presented to the highest representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the Working Group of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Foreign Investors…

White Book Preparations on Track
Major part of the White Book texts are drafted and adopted as planned during the summer. This leaves enough time for the final tunings and updates if needed, in order to pursue work on publication and printing ahead of the Launch planned for November. If the epidemiological situation doesn’t allow the presentation event to be…

White Book Preparations Underway
White Book preparation already started. WB will this year have 45 chapters, with no new topics compared to the 2018 edition. Such structure was adopted by the BoD at June session, after all 11 committees held meetings to agree on topics and contributors and start drafting texts. We would like to thank all the members…

Work on White Book 2021 Launched
We invite FIC members to participate in the preparations of the White Book 2021 in order to increase its quality, but also put needed focus on the issues of high importance for their areas of operations. White Book 2021 will be adapted to the particular circumstances of this year, when the businesses expect some steps…

Workshop on Digitalization in Health System
President of the Pharma Industry Committee Radomir Cerovic and FIC representative in Coordination Body for Digitalization in Health System participated on 2-day workshop. The aim of the workshop was for participants to understand the challenges in the health system, share a clearly defined vision of how to achieve a more efficient and reliable health system…

Yana Mikhailova for Economist
FIC President Yana Mikhailova promoted White Book results, visit to Brussels and main FIC expectations in an interview for Economist publication “World in 2020” published on December 12. “Three main FIC expectations from the Government remain the same: to continue and accelerate the accession negotiations with the EU as a way to improve the business…

Zoran Petrović Interview for FIC Guide 2020/21
We Raise The Bar Even When It’s Tough We’ve viewed digital transformation as an imperative for several years already, and have started intensive work and investments in a desire to respond to the shifting needs of modern clients in a timely manner. Our applications are today among the best on the market. One can expect…