Board of Directors EBRD and the FIC on the continuation of successful cooperation at improving the business climate in Serbia
In a very fruitful discussion with members of the EBRD BoD, the FIC Serbia BoD institutional member, the focus was on the impact of the potential lack of labor on economic activities in Serbia, the energy dependence of Serbia, the importance of stability in the energy system for business and investment activities, continuation of reforms…

Change in BoD
We hereby wish to inform you on the change in the BoD that will take place mid-May when newly appointed EBRD Regional Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli will succeed Zsuzsanna Hargitai, who will pursue the career in EBRD as a Managing Director for Central Asia. We would therefore like to wish warm welcome to…

Clarification of the Law on Archives
FIC is actively working on clarifying the Law on Archival Material and Archival Activity that came into force on February 2. On January 28, after the FIC request, the Ministry clarified that the Law is applicable to all the legal entities in Serbia. On February 5, FIC provided to the Ministry members’ questions regarding the…

Dragan Penezić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (British American Tobacco SEE d.o.o. Belgrade) Prioritising The Systemic Struggle Against The Grey Economy The companies gathered within the FIC appreciate the Serbian Government’s efforts aimed at combating the grey economy and are ready, as has been the case to date, to provide their full contribution…

Dragana Stikić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (Nestlé Adriatic S d.o.o.) EU Integration In The Domain of Food Is Still A Challenge It is necessary to further harmonise with EU legislation and improve procedures in the area of foreign trade in food products Although the start of the epidemic saw plenty of uncertainty…

Comments on Food Labelling
On January 11, FIC sent to the Agriculture Ministry members’ comments on the Draft Instruction/Guide on the application rules on stating the origin of the main food ingredient. In a letter to the Ministry, FIC outlined that the document is very well prepared and very useful for the companies dealing with the food production, especially…

Comments on Set of Energy Laws
On February 9, FIC provided comments on draft laws on energy, renewable energy and mining and geological research. Main proposal regarding the Draft Amendments to the Energy Law is to clearly define the by-law that would more closely regulate the relations regulated by the Law. Four more specific comments were also provided. When it comes…

Comments on the Don’t Call Registry
On January 24, as part of FIC participation in the Ministry of Trade Working Group on Rulebook “Don’t Call Registry”, FIC sent comments with main message that the complete purpose of limitation of contacts in view of direct marketing is achieved through the disposition 1 of article 37, prescribing the ban of contacting the consumers…

Comments on Waste Management Law Amendments
On November 5 FIC sent to the Environment Protection Ministry comments of the FIC members on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Waste Management.The comments referred to the costs of management of the medical and pharmaceutical waste on one hand, and on the other need to further clarify numerous proposed provisions. The PP can…