Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Recent Activities

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Concrete Steps on Bill of Exchange

Concrete Steps on Bill of Exchange

On December 9, FIC, AmCham and Naled approached NBS and the Finance Ministry with the proposal for digitalization of Bill of Exchange. A meeting of the three associations with the NBS was held on December 15 and was dedicated to the planned changes in this respect. NBS said that the work is already ongoing on…

Constructive Discussion on Data Protection

Constructive Discussion on Data Protection

FIC online conference on Data Protection Law was held on June 30 to discuss the issues after the two years of application of the Law. FIC representative Ivan Milosevic, Partner at Jankovic, Popovic & Mitic Law Office and author of the White Book text on the Personal Data Protection discussed with Assistant Secretary General in…

Continued Cooperation on Public Policy 

Continued Cooperation on Public Policy 

fIC Regulatory Officer Tanja Jovanovic was delegated in the Working Group for the Implementation of the Programme of Improvement of Management of Public Policy and Regulatory Reform for 2021-2025.  Tanja Jovanovic was invited after having participated in the Working Group for drafting the Programme. 

Continued Engagement on OHS

Continued Engagement on OHS

In December, FIC continued to advocate for improvement of the OHS Law. On December 9, after reviewing the new Draft, FIC sent to the Public Policy Secretariat the Position Paper on the new Draft. Additional comments of the member company were also provided a day later. As a reminder, Position Paper on the OHS Draft…

Daniel Susnjar for Special Edition

Daniel Susnjar for Special Edition

In the interview for Digitalization and Cyber Security edition, Telco & Digital Economy Committee President Daniel Susnjar said that COVID-19 pandemic forced to digital transformation even those companies that didn’t plan to engage in the process. “We truly believe that digital transformation is the general need and not a privilege reserved only for large companies…

Decisively towards increase of Serbian market competitiveness

Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual Assembly and elected new management Belgrade, 5th, December 2013 – Frederic Coin, President of the Executive Board of the Societe Generale Bank Serbia, was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual session of the Assembly held today. Coin was…

Dejan Turk Interview for FIC Guide 2020/21

Dejan Turk Interview for FIC Guide 2020/21

Dejan Turk, CEO of Vip mobile and A1 Slovenia Digital Society a Step Closer Innovation and companies’ ability to adapt are what change markets for the better. Testifying to this are the experiences of Vip mobile as a company and a service provider. Dejan Turk, CEO of Vip mobile Serbia and A1 Slovenia, speaks to CorD about…

Dialogue on Working from Home

Dialogue on Working from Home

FIC continued exchange with the authorities on the regulations on working from home in order to improve the regulatory framework. On June 11, FIC sent to the Ministry the comments on the answers provided at the FIC roundtable on the organization of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 16, the Ministry responded, providing information…

Digital Services for Plants Protection and Tobacco Directorates

Digital Services for Plants Protection and Tobacco Directorates

On January 13, information on the new digital services for businesses related to the plant protection and tobacco was sent to the members of the AIT and Food Committee. Digitization of these procedures is one of the results of the three-year Project for Improving the Business Environment in Serbia. List contains 27 fully digitized procedures…

Diplomacy & Commerce Interview

Diplomacy & Commerce Interview

In the interview for the Diplomacy and Commerce on March 10, FIC President Mike Michel drew attention to the importance of the structural reforms for the future investments, especially in the context of the recovery from the shock of the COVID-19. “There is no doubt that Serbia needs strong economic growth. This is possible only…