Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Diplomacy & Commerce Interview

Recent Activities

Diplomacy & Commerce Interview

Diplomacy & Commerce Interview

In the interview for the Diplomacy and Commerce on March 10, FIC President Mike Michel drew attention to the importance of the structural reforms for the future investments, especially in the context of the recovery from the shock of the COVID-19. “There is no doubt that Serbia needs strong economic growth.

This is possible only through sustainable fiscal consolidation which, in the long run, can be sustainable through the implementation of deep structural reforms”, he said. As the most significant elements he cited privatization and corporatisation of public enterprises, reform of public administration, increase of efficiency of public sector, reform of the pension, health, and education systems, and EU accession. He also explained the importance of the accelerated digitalisation and environment protection issues.

“Investing in the environment and climate change is an investment for the future because the cost of non-action would be much higher”, Mike Michel said. The interview can be accessed here.