Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Recent Activities

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Meeting With the New EU Ambassador

Meeting With the New EU Ambassador

FIC had the opportunity to meet the new EU Ambassador to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret on November 9 to pave the way for cooperation during his mandate. FIC President Mike Michel outlined that FIC advocates for a stable and predictable business environment and level playing field for all players on the market. They also cited key…

Meeting with Trade and Telco Minister

Meeting with Trade and Telco Minister

On November 23, FIC met new Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matic and her associates. The meeting was the occasion to gain insight into future plans of the Ministry, as well as exchange views on the business environment. Main topics FIC discussed with Tatjana Matic were related to trade, telecommunications, competition protection and…

Meetings on Digitalization in Finances

Meetings on Digitalization in Finances

In January, FIC held three meetings with the Government’s Delivery Unit and competent ministries, authorities and state bodies to discuss the digitalization of financial services. It came after FIC launched a major initiative for digitalization of financial services in Serbia, with a document providing overview of 17 measures to be implemented. First meeting was held…

Meetings on Digitalization of Health

Meetings on Digitalization of Health

FIC actively participates in the work of the Coordination Body for Digitalization of the Health System in Serbia. Two working groups’ meetings were held in April: on April 22 related to the Program and Action Plan for Digitization in the Health System, and on April 16 on the Unified Electronic Medical Record. As a reminder,…

Members Comments on Drafts on Taxes and RE

Members Comments on Drafts on Taxes and RE

At the end of November, FIC sent members’ comments on the three following laws to the Public Policy Secretariat: Draft Amendments on the PIT, Draft VAT Law and Draft Law on Expropriation. Deadlines were too short for agreeing on FIC positions; therefore, members’ comments were sent. FIC always advocates for adequate public debates and enough…

Mike Michel for Diplomacy & Commerce

Mike Michel for Diplomacy & Commerce

Harmonization with the EU is the key priority for facilitating the economic recovery of Serbia, FIC President Mike Michel said for Diplomacy & Commerce Magazine on March 10. “If we look specifically at SEE, the main destination for its export and source of investments in the EU and Serbia’s long-term recovery will surely depend on…

Mike Michel for Diplomacy and Commerce

Mike Michel for Diplomacy and Commerce

Sunt eiusmod sed ingeniis iis quamquam compre in arbitror eu sed irure aute summis cernantur et et amet incurreret cohae, ubi ab familiar…

Mike Michel for Telegraf

Mike Michel for Telegraf

In an interview for Telegraf daily, FIC President Mike Michel drew attention to the important improvements needed in the business environment in Serbia. He said that while being aware of the challenges faced by the Government in the past year, FIC doesn’t change main expectations. Investors expect further acceleration of reforms, in other words continuing…

Mike Michel Interview for Economist

Mike Michel Interview for Economist

In an interview for the Economist Serbia published on December 15, FIC President Mike Michel promoted White Book 2020 and the FIC view on the measures taken to overcome the crisis and prospects for the economy in 2021. This media appearance came as part of the participation at the Economist Conference on December 15. FIC…

New Communication Director

New Communication Director

We are glad to present you the new FIC Communication Director Renata Pindzo who is engaged as of October 18. Renata took responsibility for the internal and external communication of FIC, ensuring efficient and smooth exchange of appropriate information. Before joining FIC Renata worked as Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications,…