Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Recent Activities

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Tax Committee Leadership Elected

Tax Committee Leadership Elected

Tax Committee re-elected leadership in electronic voting on November 2-3. Director, Tax and Legal Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers Dragan Draca was re-elected as President, while Supervisor Tax SEE at Philip Morris Services Vanja Korac was re-elected as Committee Vice President on a two-year mandate. We therefore use this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to Dragan…

Technical Problems on e-Invoicing

Technical Problems on e-Invoicing

On February 25, FIC and German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) approached the Government with the request to resolve the technical issues foreigners face related to the e-invoicing. It is of key importance to resolve the issue quickly as the Law is planned to start being implemented from May this year. More concretely, foreigners who are…

Telco& Digital Economy Committee Created

Telco& Digital Economy Committee Created

Telecommunication & Digital Economy Committee was the last one to be established as part of the reorganization of FIC working committees in 2020. It is created in November by merging FIC Telecommunications and Digital & E-Commerce Committees. In electronic voting on November 23-24, the Committee elected leadership. Namely, Daniel Šušnjar, Public, Regulatory and Privacy Director…

Telenor CEO becomes new head of Serbia’s Foreign Investors Council

Stein-Erik Vellan, CEO of Telenor d.o.o., was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual meeting of the General Assembly yesterday Srdjan Janićijević, General Manager of Politika, will hold the post of the Vice President, while the members of the BoD include Alpha Bank’s Panagiotis H. Vlasiadis,…

Telenor CEO new President of the Foreign Investors Council

Belgrade, December 10th, 2009 – Kjell-Morten Johnsen, CEO of Telenor, was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual meeting of the General Assembly held yesterday. Goran Pitić, President of the Board of Directors of Societe Generale Serbia, will hold the post of the Vice President. Johnsen…

TGI Property and Infrastructure Conference

TGI Property and Infrastructure Conference

On March 23, FIC participated on the 7th Serbian  Property & Infrastructure Development Conference. FIC officially supported this TGI event that gathered Government officials, as business representatives from Serbia and the region, as well as financial institutions and other stakeholders. Vice President of the FIC Infrastructure and Real Estate Committee Mario Kijanovic participated at the…

The FIC Annual Assembly Meeting

The FIC at its regular, Annual Assembly adopted the presented overview of activities for 2006, proposed amendments to the Statute of the Council, a financial plan for 2007 and extension of the Managing Board from present seven members to its maximum of nine. This was also an opportunity for the FIC members to meet the…

The Foreign Investors Council Held the Regular Annual Assembly

10 years in Serbia: Dedicated contribution of foreign investors for better climate in Serbia Belgrade, December 4th, 2012 – The Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual session of the Assembly, adopting the Annual Report for 2012 and altering FIC Statute. The session was the opportunity to reflect upon the achieved results, in the year…

The Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual Assembly and elected new management

Belgrade, 9, December 2015 – Ove Fredheim, Telenor Serbia CEO, was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual session of the Assembly held today. Fredheim was re-elected, after taking this position in April, when he succeeded the former President Frederic Coin. Gabor Bekefi, CEO of Carlsberg…

Toyo Tire – New FIC Member

Toyo Tire – New FIC Member

By BoD decision, Toyo Tire Serbia was accepted into membership. Toyo Tire Corporation was founded in Japan in 1945 and is a producer of tires for passenger vehicles, light trucks, trucks & buses, as well as automobile components. It operates worldwide, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, China, Thailand and…