Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Recent Activities

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Proposals on Neon Signs on Facades

Proposals on Neon Signs on Facades

FIC approached the Construction Ministry and City of Belgrade with a suggestion to resolve the problems related to the corporate features on the facades. In a letter on April 15, FIC outlined that tenants request unreasonable indemnities from companies for putting the neon signs on the facades. The problem stems from the amendments of the…

Push Against Risk in Banking

Push Against Risk in Banking

On March 1, FIC and AmCham sent to the Prime Minister and President a joint initiative aimed at reducing risk stemming from different interpretations related to the collection of fees for loan calculation and collection of premiums of National Housing Loan Corporation (NKOSK). Inconsistency of the interpretation jeopardizes legal certainty, inducing huge costs to the…

RCC on Data Protection

RCC on Data Protection

It’s our pleasure to inform you that FIC prepares the second Reality Check Conference dedicated to the personal data protection. The event planned for second half of June will be organized upon the interest of members, as they need to discuss the open issues related to the Personal Data Protection Law. Previous conference on that…

Save the date – White Book 2020 Launch

Save the date – White Book 2020 Launch

We are delighted to announce White Book 2020 Launch Event! Please mark your calendars for Thursday, November 19, 2020, 12:00 hrs. The event will be live streamed on FIC YouTube channel (all event details will be sent subsequently).

Solid Basis for the Future Growth

Belgrade, 21th, December 2018 – The Foreign Investors Council held the regular annual session of the Assembly, summarizing the key achievements and making solid basis for the future growth. Members also adopted Annual and Financial Report for 2018. For the first time this year, the “Committee of the Year Award” was introduced. Looking into 2019,…

Strong Base for Further Relations with IMF

Strong Base for Further Relations with IMF

FIC met new IMF Resident Representative in Belgrade Yulia Ustyugova on September 16 to make a good base for further cooperation in the next four years of her mandate in Serbia. FIC Executive Director Aleksandar Ljubic and Yulia Ustyugova said they believe that the future cooperation will be fruitful and successful, as it has been…

Success on the Company Law

Success on the Company Law

FIC advocacy on the Company Law brought significant and tangible results. Company Law, adopted by Serbian Parliament on November 17, incorporates 6 out of 8 FIC comments. The Position Paper sent to the Economy Ministry on June 30 outlined the need for wide consultations with the business community and drew attention that the frequent changes…

Successful Conference on Regenerative Agriculture

Successful Conference on Regenerative Agriculture

On September 27, FIC in cooperation with EBRD organized the first Regenerative Agriculture Conference: Accelerate Your Regenerative Transition, to emphasize the significance and raise public awareness of the importance of regenerative agriculture and its innovative approach, which is focused on restoring and preserving natural resources, while simultaneously increasing the productivity of agricultural production. The concept…

Support to the Schools’ Project

Support to the Schools’ Project

FIC members supported the project of the Ministry of Education and Public Policy Secretariat „The Classroom I would like“. It was appreciated by the Secretariat, who thanked FIC for inviting members to engage. On November 5, FIC informed members on the project, aimed to equip elementary school classrooms in line with the pupils’ wishes and…

Tax Committee Elections

Tax Committee Elections

We hereby wish to inform you that the elections of the chairpersons of the Tax Committee and its meeting will be held in November and to invite you to participate in voting and discussion on the Committee agenda. Electronic elections for the chairpersons of the Committee will be held in the first days of November….