Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965


Support Programme for Companies to Join the Supply Chains of Multinational Corporations

Development Agency of Serbia (RAS) has initiated the multi-year Support Programme for Companies to Join the Supply Chains of Multinational Corporations (MNC) with the support of the World Bank, with the objective to implement potential integration of national companies into the supply chain of the MNC. Relevant (priority) sectors include: car industry, equipment and components…

Tatjana Isakov

Tatjana Isakov

Head of Asset Management Department,
NIS a.d. Novi Sad (Naftna industrija Srbije)

Telecommunications Committee Meeting Next Telecommunicati

Next Telecommunications Committee meeting is scheduled for Tue, June 4 at 15.00 at the FIC premises. The Agenda will focus on: Discussion about future committee activities Formulation of topics and identification of contributors for production of the White Book 2019 Important note: The invitation to participate refers solely to the FIC members. For more information, please…

Telenor CEO becomes new head of Serbia’s Foreign Investors Council

Stein-Erik Vellan, CEO of Telenor d.o.o., was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual meeting of the General Assembly yesterday Srdjan Janićijević, General Manager of Politika, will hold the post of the Vice President, while the members of the BoD include Alpha Bank’s Panagiotis H. Vlasiadis,…

Telenor CEO new President of the Foreign Investors Council

Belgrade, December 10th, 2009 – Kjell-Morten Johnsen, CEO of Telenor, was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council at the regular annual meeting of the General Assembly held yesterday. Goran Pitić, President of the Board of Directors of Societe Generale Serbia, will hold the post of the Vice President. Johnsen…

Tetra Pak Production d.o.o. Beograd

Tetra Pak Production d.o.o. Beograd

Milutina Milankovića 9ž, sprat 2 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2017 333 Fax:+381 11 2017 380 Web: Enrolment date: 2002 Founder

TGI Conference: The changes COVID-19 is Forcing on to Businesses

TGI – organizer of Belgrade Economic Forum, Mineral Resources in the Republic of Serbia, Superbrands Serbia and many other premium conferences- launches a series of online events on how the coronavirus epidemic is affecting the markets, business, workplaces and daily lives, with expert input from specialists and policy makers. WHAT? Topic: The changes covid-19 is…

The 4th International Conference on the Industry 4.0 model for Advanced Manufacturing – AMP I4.0 2019

3rd – 6th June, 2019, Belgrade, SERBIA. Belgrade University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty organizes the 4th International Conference on the Industry 4.0 model for Advanced Manufacturing – AMP I4.0 2019 WHAT? Panelists:Invited experts and representatives from USA, EU, Far East and Serbia (please see add document). Common themes / main topics:          Industry 4.0 model framework…

The Coca-Cola Company (Barlan S&M d.o.o.)

The Coca-Cola Company (Barlan S&M d.o.o.)

Batajnički drum 18 11080 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3081 100 Fax: +381 11 3081 166 E-mail: Web: Enrolment date: 2002