Dragan Drača, President of the FIC Taxation Committee (PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o.) More Transparency and Dialogue One of our priorities during the period ahead will be to return to issues related to improving tax regulations and practises, alongside greater transparency and the timely public presenting of all draft regulations. This is an area that deteriorated even further…

Daniel Šušnjar, President of the FIC Telecommunications & Digital Economy Committee (Telenor d.o.o.) Removing Administrative Obstacles is Important For The 5G Network The key priorities of our committee in the following period are to work on the adoption of the new Law on Electronic Communications, amendments to regulations governing the field of environmental protection and…

PRODEXPO SERBIA | 9th Serbian Real Estate and Infrastructure Development Conference
TGI Group International organizes Prodexpo Serbia | 9th Serbian Real Estate and Infrastructure Development Conference, which will be held on Thursday 25th April 2024 at the Metropol Palace Belgrade. Early Bird available until February 29 Topics: Why does real estate investing make sense during uncertain times? EXPO 2027 – Bringing the whole world to Serbia….

Proposal for Improving E-Leasing
On March 5, FIC and Association of Leasing Companies in Serbia (ALCS) approached the Serbian Business Register Agency (SBRA) to plead for reducing the cost of the digitalized procedure for registration of leased vehicles which is currently in the test phase. In particular, it was outlined that the price determined for providing the authorization for…

Proposal on E-Identification
On April 29, FIC approached the Trade and Telecommunications Ministry to propose easing the procedures for issuing the medium level electronic identification schemes, in particular to exclude the requirement of physical presence of the client. It is in line with the Draft Amendments to the Law on Electronic Document and Identification that envisages issuing of…

Proposals for the RE and Construction
On December 10, FIC sent to the new Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure the proposals for recovery of the real estate and infrastructure industry in the context of the coronavirus crisis. The proposals were accompanied by the relevant White Book positions. As a reminder, FIC sent a similar set of proposals for this area…

Proposals on Neon Signs on Facades
FIC approached the Construction Ministry and City of Belgrade with a suggestion to resolve the problems related to the corporate features on the facades. In a letter on April 15, FIC outlined that tenants request unreasonable indemnities from companies for putting the neon signs on the facades. The problem stems from the amendments of the…

Push Against Risk in Banking
On March 1, FIC and AmCham sent to the Prime Minister and President a joint initiative aimed at reducing risk stemming from different interpretations related to the collection of fees for loan calculation and collection of premiums of National Housing Loan Corporation (NKOSK). Inconsistency of the interpretation jeopardizes legal certainty, inducing huge costs to the…

PwC Serbia “ESG Leader” – Contest for Sustainable Business Leaders
Our member, PwC Serbia announces the ‘ESG Leaders’ contest with the aim of recognizing and rewarding organizations and individuals who excel in the field of ESG. This includes developing strategic visions for sustainable development, implementing innovative and environmentally friendly solutions, or creating educational programs that contribute to social and economic green transformation. The competition is…

Raiffeisen Banka a.d. Beograd successfully closed acquisition of Crédit Agricole Srbija A.D. Novi Sad
Belgrade, April 1st, 2022 – Raiffeisen banka a.d. Beograd announces that it has, upon receiving necessary approvals from the National Bank of Serbia and relevant regulatory bodies, successfully closed the acquisition of 100 per cent of the shares of Crédit Agricole Srbija (Crédit Agricole Srbija A.D. Novi Sad and CA Leasing Srbija d.o.o.) from…