Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board of Directors consists of nine (9) to eleven (11) members. Members of the Board of Directors are elected individually. Each Council member, except institutional members, may submit nomination for the positions of the member of the Board of Directors. A Board member must be represented by a representative of the legal entity provided by law.

The Assembly of the Council elects the Board of Directors in accordance with the Statute provisions.

At the first meeting of the Board of Directors, elected Board of Directors appoints a President of the Board of Directors and two Vice Presidents, one as a substitute for the President and other to be authorized to speak on behalf of Council in public.

Board of Directors President acts as FIC President, which means he/she provides general leadership of the Council and is entitled to legally represent the Council. Team also includes two Vice Presidents, with one serving as a President substitute and other is elected to speak on behalf of FIC and present FIC in public.

Board of Directors determines main course of action of the association and shapes its position in relation to the changes in the business environment. It holds regular monthly meetings and extraordinary meetings if needed.

The Board:

  • approves programs and development plans as well as decisions on opening or closing branches
  • adopts organisational rules and Rules of procedure for its activities and ensures compliance with the Statute and implementation of decisions
  • appoints FIC Executive Director
  • decides on the FIC involvement in organization and participation in the public events, on cooperation with other organizations and institutions and FIC membership in other Serbian or international non-profit organizations
  • adopts and submits the annual report on FIC activities to the Assembly, including individual reports of specialized working committees and reports on other activities, which can be requested by the Assembly of the Council
  • approves the basic structure and functioning principles of specialized working committees and relieves their presidents and vice presidents
  • adopts all policy views and specific positions formulated by the committees before they are shared with Government and other stakeholders
  • manages FIC assets, which includes decisions on the use of assets in order to protect and increase them
  • adopts FIC draft annual budget and report of its implementation, proposes changes such as introduction of new expenditures and changes of the amounts or payment of membership fees and submits them to the Assembly

For in detail information about the functioning of the BoD, please see Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. 

Goran Pekez

JT International, Vice President - Spokesperson

Matteo Colangeli

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Board Member

Marinko Ukropina

SICPA HOLDING SA Switzerland/ UMQ Sustainable Smart Solutions, Board Member