Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Telecommunications & Digital Economy Committee

Telecommunications & Digital Economy Committee

The main aim of the Telecommunications & Digital Economy Committee is to advocate for the improvement of the investment climate in the sector of Telecommunications, for removing legislative and other barriers for further development of e-Commerce and digital services and to promote new business models. The Committee gathers members from a wide variety of sectors, interested in engaging in dialogue with the Government on improving these areas. They include: telecommunication operators, banks, leasing subsidiaries, operators of electronic communications, law firms, consulting companies, IT companies, insurance companies and retailers.

Established in November 2020, as part of reorganisation of FIC committees, it has around 40 members.

Main priorities defined in Telecommunications & Digital Economy Committee Programme 2022-2024 are:

  • Further Growth of Telco Industry and Digital Infrastructure
  • Fully Paperless interactions between the businesses and Government

Main partners are Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, RATEL, National Bank of Serbia, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, start-up hubs and accelerators, digital committees in other associations, financial institutions, telco’s, FMCG companies, etc.

For all the information regarding this committee please contact Regulatory Director Jelena Lazarevic, e-mail at or phone +381 11 3281 958 & +381 11 3281 965.

For more info about the organization of committees and the scope of their activities please see main Committees page.


Daniel Susnjar

Public, Regulatory Affairs and Privacy Department Director
Yettel d.o.o.


Neda Teslic

Principal Inter-Carrier and Wholesale Regulatory Expert,
A1 Srbija d.o.o.
Members: (in alphabetical order)