Infrastructure & Industrialization Committee Meeting
The next Infrastructure & Industrialization Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wed, May 29 at 15.00 at the FIC premises. The Agenda will focus on: • Formulation of topics and identification of contributors for production of the White Book 2019 Important note: The invitation to participate refers solely to the FIC members. For more information, please…
Infrastructure &Real-Estate Committee Established
Fugiat litteris an fugiat aliqua. Varias vidisse eu quid sint. In malis laborum exercitation ea anim cupidatat consectetur aut multos quo offendit ab sint…
INOS Balkan d.o.o.
Mirka Obradovića BB 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 14 221 560 E-mail: Web: Enrolment date: 2017
Insight into Discussion of FIC Online Conference on Digitalization
On June 2, FIC organized online Conference on Digitalization titled: ‘’Digitalization in Serbian Regulations: Possibilities and Limitations’’. Interest of both members and state institutions was high. The event attracted around 100 FIC members and gathered 15 representatives of the 7 state and Government institutions to discuss with FIC Committee chairpersons challenges and benefits of digitalization…
Intesa Leasing d.o.o. Beograd
Milentija Popovića 7b 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2025 400 E-mail: Web: Enrolment date: 2010
Jelen Do d.o.o. (Carmeuse Serbia)
Jelen Do bb 31215 Jelen Do, Požega Tel: +381 31 590 599 Fax: +381 31 590 570 E-mail: Web: Enrolment date: 2015
Jelena Stojanovic
Manager, Tax and Legal Services
PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o.
JT International a.d. Senta
Subotički drum 17 24400 Senta Tel: +381 11 2050 300 Fax: +381 11 2050 301 Web: Enrolment date: 2003