6th NKTOT Session
Fresh info on trade issues was presented and discussed at the sixth session of the National Coordination Body for Trade Facilitation (NKTOT) on May 13. FIC was represented by the Vice President of the Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee Nenad Radenkovic. Topics discussed included: UNECE Study on regulatory and procedural barriers in trade of Serbia…

Dragan Penezić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (British American Tobacco SEE d.o.o. Belgrade) Prioritising The Systemic Struggle Against The Grey Economy The companies gathered within the FIC appreciate the Serbian Government’s efforts aimed at combating the grey economy and are ready, as has been the case to date, to provide their full contribution…

Dragana Stikić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (Nestlé Adriatic S d.o.o.) EU Integration In The Domain of Food Is Still A Challenge It is necessary to further harmonise with EU legislation and improve procedures in the area of foreign trade in food products Although the start of the epidemic saw plenty of uncertainty…

Comments on Food Labelling
On January 11, FIC sent to the Agriculture Ministry members’ comments on the Draft Instruction/Guide on the application rules on stating the origin of the main food ingredient. In a letter to the Ministry, FIC outlined that the document is very well prepared and very useful for the companies dealing with the food production, especially…

Digital Services for Plants Protection and Tobacco Directorates
On January 13, information on the new digital services for businesses related to the plant protection and tobacco was sent to the members of the AIT and Food Committee. Digitization of these procedures is one of the results of the three-year Project for Improving the Business Environment in Serbia. List contains 27 fully digitized procedures…

Elections and Reorganization of Committees
Hereby we announce the regular elections for FIC Committees and the implementation of the reorganization of Committees. Reorganization is aimed at increasing efficiency and will result in decrease of their number from 11 to 8. Having in mind the current situation with COVID-19 epidemic and preventive measures that can be taken, the elections will be…

FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee Co-President Penezic at FIC Guide 2020/21
Dragan Penezić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (British American Tobacco SEE d.o.o) Commitment Yields Results We support the efforts of the Government of Serbia aimed at combatting illicit trade and propose the establishing of a special department of the Prosecutor’s Office that would be responsible for excise products. The grey economy…

FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee Co-President Stikic at FIC Guide 2020/21
Dragana Stikić, Co-President of the FIC Anti-Illicit Trade & Food Committee (Nestlé Adriatic S d.o.o.) Ensure Uniform Application of the Law The work of our committee is devoted to improving the regulatory framework as it relates to the food industry. That’s why we continue to focus on implementation of the full harmonisation of Serbian regulations…

FIC at the NKTOT Sessions
On November 25th and 26th FIC participated at the 7th session of the National Coordination Body for Trade Facilitation (NKTOT). FIC is part of the National Coordination Body for Trade Facilitation (NKTOT) since May 2018. At the meetings in 2021 in May and November, fresh info on trade issues was presented and discussed, along with…

FIC Members Host Inspectors’ Trainings
In April, two FIC members hosted the trainings for the inspectors for using the E-inspector system. FIC members were invited in February to provide support to the trainings by offering equipped classrooms and equipment for two days trainings. As explained at that time by the Support Division and Coordination Commission for Inspection, over 800 inspectors…
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