Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965


Launch of the 2007 White Book Edition

The Foreign Investors Council has presented the White Book 2007, the fifth in a row, which continues the tradition in reporting the reactions and recommendations of the foreign business community to the reform process in Serbia. By welcoming the positive changes that have taken place, and by suggesting further improvements when and where they are…

Launch of the FIC Guide Project

Launch of the FIC Guide Project

Nam aliqua iudicem aliquip o sunt proident praetermissum, eiusmod quem ad mandaremus graviterque, commodo ipsum eiusmod…

Law Office Miroslav Stojanovic in cooperation with Wolf Theiss

Law Office Miroslav Stojanovic in cooperation with Wolf Theiss

Poslovni centar Ušće Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3302 900 Fax: +381 11 3302 925 E-mail: Web: Enrolment date: 2003

LC President Zivkovski for Politika on Funds

LC President Zivkovski for Politika on Funds

In a text in Politika daily on June 10, Legal Committee President Igor Zivkovski explained the novelties brought by the Draft Law on Alternative Investment Funds. He said that the draft introduces for the first time in Serbian legal system the alternative funds collecting money from the investors with the purpose of investment in other…

Legal Committee Leadership Elected

Legal Committee Leadership Elected

Legal Committee re-elected leadership in electronic voting on June 8-9. Partner at Zivkovic Samardzic Law Office Igor Zivkovski was re-elected as Committee President, while Legal Expert at OTP Bank Serbia Jelena Vukic-Suljagic was re-elected as Committee Vice President. We therefore use this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to both Igor and Jelena for accepting…

Legal Committee President for NIN on Beneficial Owners

Legal Committee President for NIN on Beneficial Owners

In an opinion article for NIN weekly, FIC Legal Committee President Igor Zivkovski drew attention to the problems in the implementation of the Law on Central Evidence on Beneficial Owners and presented the main changes its amendments are expected to bring. In a text published on October 17, he in particular outlined that the problems…

Legal Committee VP for Svet osiguranja

In an interview for Svet osiguranja magazine published on Oct 31, Legal Committee Vice President Jelena Vukic-Suljagic welcomed the results of FIC initiatives regarding the laws on alternative investment funds and open investment funds with public offering. “We are glad to see that some of the key FIC proposals were adopted – for example the…

Lukoil Srbija a.d. Beograd

Lukoil Srbija a.d. Beograd

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165d 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2220 200 Fax: +381 11 2220 294 Web: Enrolment date: 2009

MACPI tool – Monitoring Anti-corruption Policy Implementation

The Centre for Contemporary Politics/Portal European Western Balkans (CCP/EWB) with the support of the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI), implements MACPI tool (short for Monitoring Anticorruption Policy Implementation) in Serbia. MACPI is a tool developed in 2014 in cooperation with the DG HOME of the EU Commission. It consists of the questionnaire…

Marija Djindjic for Svet osiguranja

Marija Djindjic for Svet osiguranja

In an article/comment for Svet osiguranja on February 27, Digitalization and E-Commerce Committee Vice President Marija Djindjic shared view on the importance of the artificial intelligence and machine learning in the modern business. Representing her Societe Generale company, with mention on her role in FIC, she focused on the potential for innovations for the insurance…