Bicycle Repair Station in Bajina Bašta – Supporting Sustainable Urban Mobility
Thanks to a donation from Wiener Städtische osiguranje, the municipality of Bajina Bašta has received a bicycle repair station installed in a high-traffic area accessible to all cyclists—right in front of the “Bajina Bašta” Sports Hall. Equipped with a pump and a set of tools for basic bicycle repairs, the station is now available for…

BNV Bristol d.o.o.
Karađorđeva 50 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 7888 700 Fax: +381 11 7888 707 E-mail: sales@trebristolbelgrade.com Web: https://thebristolbelgrade.com/ Enrolment date: 2025

Board of Directors EBRD and the FIC on the continuation of successful cooperation at improving the business climate in Serbia
In a very fruitful discussion with members of the EBRD BoD, the FIC Serbia BoD institutional member, the focus was on the impact of the potential lack of labor on economic activities in Serbia, the energy dependence of Serbia, the importance of stability in the energy system for business and investment activities, continuation of reforms…

Bojan Mijailović – the new President of the Executive Board at Sava osiguranje
Bojan Mijailović has been appointed as the President of the Executive Board of Sava osiguranje starting from 1st January 2021. He has acquired vast experience in the financial sector, in management positions in insurance companies, the banking sector, as well as the National Bank of Serbia. During the previous executive term, he managed the Sava…

Cassa Depositi e prestiti S.p.A.
Milentija Popovića 7b 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 66 8662 687 E-mail: ufficio.belgrado@cdp.it Web: www.cdp.it Enrolment date: 2025

CETIN d.o.o. Beograd – Novi Beograd
Omladinskih brigada 90 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 63 444 222 E-mail: info@cetin.rs Web: www.cetin.rs; www.cetin.eu Enrolment date: 2021

Change in BoD
We hereby wish to inform you on the change in the BoD that will take place mid-May when newly appointed EBRD Regional Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli will succeed Zsuzsanna Hargitai, who will pursue the career in EBRD as a Managing Director for Central Asia. We would therefore like to wish warm welcome to…

Clarification of the Law on Archives
FIC is actively working on clarifying the Law on Archival Material and Archival Activity that came into force on February 2. On January 28, after the FIC request, the Ministry clarified that the Law is applicable to all the legal entities in Serbia. On February 5, FIC provided to the Ministry members’ questions regarding the…

CMS CEE webinar – Recent developments impacting the insurance sector and their clients
CMS organises a Central & Eastern Europe webinar “Recent developments impacting the insurance sector and their clients” covering Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey. The webinar will be held on 16 March 2021 via the GoToWebinar platform. WHAT? The event will cover the following topics: Serbia and Montenegro: Cyber insurance issues We will focus…