Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965


FIC In the Body on Energy Poverty

FIC In the Body on Energy Poverty

On December 3rd, FIC delegated the Communication Director Renata Pindzo to the National Coalition for the Reduction of Energy Poverty. The nomination comes after the invitation of the Energy and Mining Industry. In a letter to the Minister Zorana Mihajlovic, FIC thanked for the opportunity to participate in the Coalition. The Coalition includes various stakeholders,…

FIC in the WG for Draft Law on Broadband 

FIC in the WG for Draft Law on Broadband 

On December 23, FIC delegated representatives in the Working Group for the Draft Law on Broadband Communication Infrastructure. FIC will be represented by the President of the Telecommunications and Digital Economy Committee Daniel Susnjar, while the Regulatory Officer Jelena Lazarevic will act as replacement. The delegation of the FIC representatives comes upon the invitation of…

FIC in WG on Business Environment

FIC in WG on Business Environment

FIC Delegated a representative in the Working Group for Better Business Environment and Attracting New Investments, that is formed instead of WG on Doing Business List. Upon invitation by the DPM and Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic, FIC delegated FIC Executive Director Aleksandar Ljubic. 

FIC in WG on E-Communications

FIC in WG on E-Communications

FIC delegated representatives to the Government Working Group on Law on Electronic Communications. Upon the invitation by the competent Ministry, FIC delegated Telecommunications and Digital Economy Committee Vice President Daniel Susnjar as a representative, and FIC Regulatory Officer Jelena Lazarevic as a substitute. The participation at the Working Group formed by the Ministry of Trade,…

FIC Infrastructure & Real Estate Committee President at FIC Guide 2020/21

FIC Infrastructure & Real Estate Committee President at FIC Guide 2020/21

Ivan Gazdić, President of the FIC Infrastructure & Real Estate Committee (Petrikić & Partners a.o.d., in cooperation with CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz) Good Experiences with Shared Work The FIC has among its members esteemed representatives from the field of real estate and infrastructure development, who are ready to offer innovative solutions to the challenges ahead to…

FIC INSIGHT INTO GENERATIVE AI: Practical Solutions, Business Integration, and Regulatory Frameworks

FIC INSIGHT INTO GENERATIVE AI: Practical Solutions, Business Integration, and Regulatory Frameworks

We are pleased to have hosted a successful session in collaboration with Deloitte, represented by Filip Kovačević, Tax Partner, Dimi Bespalov, R&D Director, Brandon Eychaner, Senior Specialist Lead in NLP & GenAI, and Gregor Strojin, Deloitte Legal AI Regulatory CoE Leader, exploring the impact and application of GenAI on business. The event attracted a strong…

FIC Insight into Telecommunications Sector

FIC Insight into Telecommunications Sector

Recognizing the highly dynamic development of the telecommunications sector in Europe, which is characterized by significant investments, the FIC Serbia, within its FIC Insight format, organized a panel discussion on the importance and impact of continuous investment in the mobile telecommunications sector on the quality of services for users and its role in the overall development…

FIC Insight on e-Business Law

FIC Insight on e-Business Law

FIC members had the opportunity to learn novelties on e-Business Law and clarify misconceptions in practice at the online FIC Insight event on October 6. We are grateful to the Legal Committee President Igor Zivkovski and Telco and Digital Committee Representative Vladimir Boljanovic who invested their time and knowledge in FIC platform and provided this…

FIC Insight on e-Business Novelties

FIC Insight on e-Business Novelties

We are proud to invite you to the online FIC Insight event, dedicated to the Amendments to the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Business. It will be held on October 6 at 12.00 via Microsoft Teams. Novelties the amendments bring, including cloud signature, will be presented by the Legal…

FIC Insight on ESG

FIC Insight on ESG

Professional insight into unlocking ESG attracted a lot of attention from the members of FIC Serbia. Mr. Nebojša Lukač and Teodora Pasulj from PwC Serbia informed the attendees about the ESG policies that drive changes globally. Special attention was paid to Human Rights Due Diligence regulations that are evolving globally. On that occasion, it was…