Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965


FIC in WG on Construction By-Laws

FIC in WG on Construction By-Laws

On March 8, FIC delegated representatives to the WG for the changes of the by-laws regarding construction and planning. This comes as a result of the meeting with the Construction Ministry in February, when the Ministry disclosed its work plan. FIC expressed interest for participation in drafting of 7 by laws. Members delegated in the…

FIC Insight into Company Law & Beneficial Owners Law

FIC is launching the new event – presentation of the newly adopted regulation, a platform for better understanding and implementation of new legislation! We are proud to invite you to FIC Insight into the Company Law and Law on the Central Register of Beneficial Owners by FIC Legal Committee President Igor Živkovski (Partner, Živković Samardžić Law Office) on January…

FIC Insight on AML Rules

FIC Insight on AML Rules

Occaecat sunt appellat appellat ex varias an in quem laborum an si ita quid multos irure do excepteur culpa quamquam non summis in incurreret…

FIC Members Host Inspectors’ Trainings

FIC Members Host Inspectors’ Trainings

In April, two FIC members hosted the trainings for the inspectors for using the E-inspector system. FIC members were invited in February to provide support to the trainings by offering equipped classrooms and equipment for two days trainings. As explained at that time by the Support Division and Coordination Commission for Inspection, over 800 inspectors…

FIC on Gender Equality Conference

FIC on Gender Equality Conference

On July 1st, FIC BoD member Goran Pekez promoted FIC role in improving gender equality in Serbian economy at the conference within the “Equal in the Supply Chain Initiative” organized by the Association of Business Women with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic. Goran Pekez presented FIC as a strong association that…

FIC on Twitter

FIC on Twitter

Incurreret non esse vidisse an doctrina fore ex vidisse sempiternum, proident e illum ex nulla tempor hic arbitror, iis legam iudicem…

FIC organized “Dialogue for Change” dedicated to labour regulations

FIC organized “Dialogue for Change” dedicated to labour regulations

Belgrade, 11th May, 2018 – The Foreign Investors Council held its first ”Dialogue for Change” this year in Hilton Belgrade hotel, dedicated to labour regulations. The format has been changed compared to last year’s events being now a closed, high-level event, which gathered only CEOs of top FIC employers, the Minister of Labour Zoran Djordjevic…

FIC Participation at CEVES Roundtable on State Aid

FIC Participation at CEVES Roundtable on State Aid

On April 17, FIC Legal Committee member Anja Tasic and Attorney-at-Law at Petrikić & Partneri in cooperation with CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz presented FIC views in an expert discussion on the state aid organized by CEVES. This roundtable was organized around preliminary findings of the project “Harmonization with the competition policy of EU” (Project) run by…

FIC Presents the White Book 2011

Belgrade, 03rd November 2011 – The Foreign Investors Council presented the White Book 2011 to Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic and the highest officials of Serbian Government. This year’s edition, ninth in a row, serves as basis for active dialogue between foreign investors and the Government on ways to improve overall business climate. The launch event…

FIC Presents the White Book 2012 and Marks its 10th Anniversary

Belgrade, 16th October 2012 – The Foreign Investors Council presented the White Book 2012 to the Prime Minister Ivica Dačić and the highest officials of Serbian Government. This year’s edition, published in the year in which FIC is celebrating its 10th anniversary, represents basis for continuing dialogue between foreign investors and the Government on ways…