WB Launch Amid COVID-19 Crisis
White Book 2020 was launched on November 19, at an online event with live broadcast accessible to all the registered guests. Despite the challenging circumstances of COVID-19 crisis, FIC gathered high-level speakers and panelists: Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic and Head of the EU Delegation Sem Fabrizi. FIC…

WB Launch Promoted in Media
White Book Launch on November 15 attracted high media interest, with numerous reports from the event, and several media appearances on a day of the event and the following day. On the day of the event FIC Executive Director Aleksandar Ljubic gave statement to the Tanjug agency and was guest on the morning programme of…

WB Launch Promotion in Media
White Book Launch promotion this year was achieved by the press release and on-line broadcasting of the event, but also by the planned cooperation with the media. FIC President Mike Michel was a guest at the morning news show ahead of the WB Launch. He outlined the challenges brought this year by COVID-19 crisis, and…

WB Presented to Belgrade Chamber of Commerce
On December 22, FIC presented key findings from the White Book on digitalization to the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. Current situation was reviewed, and main FIC proposals were presented. The introductory address was held by the Regulatory Officer Jelena Lazarevic, while the presentation was delivered by the representative of the Telecommunications and Digital Economy Committee…

WB Task Force on Base Stations Constructions
Main topic of the White Book Task Force meeting held on August 11 was defining concrete steps in order to eliminate barriers of base stations constructions.

White Book 22 Edition Presentation to the Government of the Republic of Serbia
In the year when the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment and operation, the “White Book 2022” was presented to the highest representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the Working Group of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Foreign Investors…

White Book Launch in November
White Book Launch will be held on November 15 with the presence of the highest Government officials. Details of the event will be timely communicated as the event will depend on the epidemiological situation. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic is expected to deliver a keynote speech, along with the FIC President Mike Michel, WB Editor-in-Chief Miroljub…

White Book Preparations on Track
Major part of the White Book texts are drafted and adopted as planned during the summer. This leaves enough time for the final tunings and updates if needed, in order to pursue work on publication and printing ahead of the Launch planned for November. If the epidemiological situation doesn’t allow the presentation event to be…

Work on White Book 2021 Launched
We invite FIC members to participate in the preparations of the White Book 2021 in order to increase its quality, but also put needed focus on the issues of high importance for their areas of operations. White Book 2021 will be adapted to the particular circumstances of this year, when the businesses expect some steps…