FIC President at Economist Conference
On December 15, FIC President Mike Michel participated at the conference “Economist – World in 2021”. He was a panelist at the panel “Virus and the Economy”, where other participants included representatives of domestic and foreign chambers of commerce. The main topics were consequences of pandemic and the ways to overcome the crisis. FIC President…

FIC President interview for FIC Guide 2020/21
A Shared Challenge Needs a Shared Response It is now more important than ever for the FIC to unite its efforts with the Government in working on improvements to regulatory, legal and other aspects of reforms. They may have positive multiple effects on the Serbian economy in the challenging times in which we live. I…

We Must Embrace The New Reality There is still a lot of work ahead of us when it comes to Serbia’s long-term recovery. We must increase productivity and sustain investments that stimulate economic growth, but also realise that there can be no returning to the old ways of doing business. It’s about acceleration and prioritisation…

Mike Michel, President of the Foreign Investors Council and CEO of Yettel I Choose To Be An Optimist The country needs strong economic growth through sustainable fiscal consolidation and the continued privatisation and corporatisation of public enterprises and the reform of public administration. This will all have a significant impact on overall macroeconomic indicators….

Mike Michel, President of the Foreign Investors Council and CEO of Yettel Serbia Should Return to Investment-led Growth The FIC advocates for Serbia to pursue investment-led growth, aiming for a 25% share of investments in GDP to achieve a sustainable annual growth rate of 5%. Additionally, the focus should shift towards producing more commodities for…
FIC promoted at the B&F
FIC views on the impact of pandemic on the economy were promoted in the Biznis & Finansije edition on March 16. Accelerating digitalization would play a key role in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and achieving the needed economic growth, FIC Communication Officer Renata Pindzo said. Digitalization is promoted by FIC for years before…

FIC Requests Participation on OHS
On December 1, FIC approached the new Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy Darija Kisic Tepavcevic to ask to be included in consultations on the new regulatory framework in the area of health and safety at work. Labour Ministry responded on December 4, thanking FIC for the interest to participate in shaping, and…

FIC Support in Pandemic
In 2021, FIC continues the valuable support to members to overcome issues appearing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. FIC is continuously engaged in collecting issues impeding business operations and initiating the solution-finding process. Most recently, this referred mostly to the HR issues and travel restrictions. Urgent information on the changes due to the…

FIC Support to the TGI RE Conference
TGI 7th Serbian Property and Infrastructure Development Conference will be held on March 22 at Metropol Palace Hotel. FIC supported the event and will participate at the event. FIC Infrastructure & Real Estate Committee Vice President Mario Kijanovic will take part at the conference as a panelist. The conference is envisaged as the event for…

FIC Tax Committee President at FIC Guide 2020/21
Dragan Drača, President of the FIC Taxation Committee (PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o.) We Hope For a Resumption of Dialogue We expect a continuation of the constructive dialogue with the Ministry of Finance linked to the improvement of tax regulations and practises, along with greater transparency and the timely public presenting of all draft regulations. The aggravated and…