On March 5, FIC and Association of Leasing Companies in Serbia (ALCS) approached the Serbian Business Register Agency (SBRA) to plead for reducing the cost of the digitalized procedure for registration of leased vehicles which is currently in the test phase. In particular, it was outlined that the price determined for providing the authorization for registration electronically is too high. If the cost isn’t reduced, it will prevent the e-leasing system being used in its full potential. ALCS and FIC view is that the cost should be justified and objective. Two associations praised the authorities for investing in the e-leasing project. On March 11, a meeting was held with Serbian Business Register Agency to discuss submitted initiative. Certain solutions were discussed and SBRA Director Milan Lucic expressed understanding for the initiative and confirmed that alternative solutions will be considered. Associations were represented by ALCS Secretary General Teodora Milenkovic, Ivan Jaukovic from Intesa Leasing and FIC Regulatory Officer Jelena Lazarevic. The letter can be accessed here.
Proposal for Improving E-Leasing
Proposal for Improving E-Leasing