At the first session this year on February 8, BoD adopted the FIC Work Plan – strategy for 2022, defining key activities to be pursued. The plan includes regular FIC committees elections, FIC Insight Into New Regulations, Dialogue for Change, Reality Check Conference, FIC Guide, Visit to EU Commission, White Book presentation and celebration of 20 years of FIC work, WB Task Force meetings, Presentation of the 4 new West Balkans Agreements by the Serbian Government, FIC Assembly, and Networking Cocktails. FIC Insight was introduced in 2020 as a new service to members. Purpose of the event is to present new legislation with significant impact on businesses by a relevant professional in the domain. In 2022, three events are planned. Dialogue for Change is envisaged as an open discussion with stakeholders aimed at increasing impact in implementing FIC recommendations. Reality Check Conference is planned for the autumn in order to follow up on White Book recommendations and WB Task Force activities. FIC Guide, promoting FIC views to relevant audiences in public and private sector and international community, is planned for September, in usual timing. It is a magazine produced in a long-term cooperation with the Alliance International Media – aim. Visit to the EU Commission was introduced as a way to further strengthen the relations with the EU and give update on FIC advocacy priorities to the carefully identified decision-makers in EU. It is planned for October, after a pause due to the Covid-19 crisis. Key FIC Project White Book is planned to be held in November, and it will be an event of particular importance as the 20th anniversary of FIC will also be celebrated. In relation to the White Book and achievement of the goals, the meetings of the White Book Task Force are also planned. Regular FIC Assembly is to be held in December. It is the occasion to review and discuss the activities and plans for future work. Two networking cocktails are also planned, as the opportunity for FIC members to meet and discuss in an informal setting. FIC regular advocacy is not included in the strategic plan.