On April 13, FIC members had the opportunity to hear firsthand on the open issues of working from home from the Ministry of Employment, Occupational Safety and Health Directorate and Labor Inspectorate. The online open dialogue organized by FIC was aimed to provide the clarifications on Guide to Safe and Healthy Work from Home, as well as on various aspects of the work from home it addresses. It was announced that the adoption of the Labor Law will most likely be postponed for the end of 2021. Regarding work from home, it was outlined that an annex to the work contract which determines the working conditions from home is obligatory for every employee, including coverage of the costs of work from home. It was defined that everything that employers must provide in the workplace regarding the safety of the working environment has also to be provided at home. It was added that the content of the checklists is adapted to each workplace. HR Committee President Milena Jaksic Papac discussed those issues with OHS Directorate ad interim Director Dunja Radojicic and Advisors Mira Bozic and Aleksandra Brdjic, Ministry of Labour Advisors Snezana Milajic and Gordana Budimovic, and Head of Study-Analytical Affairs and Supervision Department in the Labour Directorate Maja Ilic.
Discussion on Work from Home
Discussion on Work from Home