On February 18, FIC sent the comments on the second Draft Rulebook on “Don’t Call Registry”. FIC participates in the Ministry of Trade Working Group on the Rulebook and already sent comments on January 24. Main message is still the same: that the complete purpose of limitation of contacts in view of direct marketing is achieved through the disposition 1 of article 37, prescribing the ban of contacting the consumers that didn’t give previous approval. FIC also advocates for opening the separate link www.ne-zovi.xxx, on the internet site of the Trade Ministry or via the eUprava webportal, where the consumers would directly inscribe their personal data and confirm their identity in view of the contact ban. As a reminder, FIC invested significant efforts last year in changing the Article 37 of the Proposal of the Consumer Protection Law to avoid the additional financial, technical, and organizational burden for the economy and achieved this goal (for more info, visit this link).