Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Mike Michel for Telegraf

Recent Activities

Mike Michel for Telegraf

Mike Michel for Telegraf

In an interview for Telegraf daily, FIC President Mike Michel drew attention to the important improvements needed in the business environment in Serbia. He said that while being aware of the challenges faced by the Government in the past year, FIC doesn’t change main expectations. Investors expect further acceleration of reforms, in other words continuing and accelerating accession negotiations with the EU, along with work on sustainable fiscal consolidation and an improvement in implementing laws, he said. “We strongly believe in dialogue. Our most important product in the FIC, our annual White Book, is based on a dialogue between investors and government representatives and on working together to make Serbia a better place to invest and to improve business environment in general”, FIC President said. Large part of the interview was dedicated to the Telenor company in which Mike Michel is the CEO. He spoke on the company plans and telecommunications infrastructure. The interview can be accessed here or the link below. – 2021-02-28 – Srbija zrela za još jednog jakog kablovskog igrača CEO Telenora o ulaganjima, tržištu i rivalima 1