Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Mike Michel for Diplomacy and Commerce

Recent Activities

Mike Michel for Diplomacy and Commerce

Mike Michel for Diplomacy and Commerce

FIC intends to continue the open and constructive dialogue with the Government on further improvement in order to facilitate the development of the economy and attract the new foreign investors, FIC President Mike Michel said in an interview for Diplomacy and Commerce Magazine published on June 17.

“Short term, we all need to focus on minimizing the negative effects of the crisis and on overall recovery of the economy, as COVID-19 epidemic has impacted every industry, company and person” he said. As long-term goals he cited the continuation of activities, as well as further developing FIC and exploring prospects for tackling a “new normal” the COVID-19 crisis has brought. FIC President, elected during the crisis, outlined that FIC remained active in supporting the members to adapt to the circumstances and solve acute problems, and also submitted the proposals for overcoming the crisis. Conference on Digitalization was promoted as a successful event that gathered around 100 FIC members and 15 Government representatives from seven relevant institutions. In the upcoming months, FIC will pursue the priorities defined within the joint TF with the Government, focused around 9 priority fields. “We believe that progress in these areas may have very positive multiple effects on the Serbian economy and increase the attractiveness of the country for foreign investors”, he said. After the elections on June 21, FIC expects to continue the constructive cooperation with the authorities and increase the implementation rate of recommendations towards the 50% goal. The interview can be accessed here below.


Interview  |  [169kb,  pdf]