FIC continued exchange with the authorities on the regulations on working from home in order to improve the regulatory framework. On June 11, FIC sent to the Ministry the comments on the answers provided at the FIC roundtable on the organization of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 16, the Ministry responded, providing information that the OHS Draft Law is to be finalized soon and put on the public discussion, with the goal of its adoption by the end of this year. The Ministry thanked FIC for providing proposals and expressed readiness for the consultations on the Draft in the next phase of its preparation. Roundtable “Year of Covid – Work Organization” was held on April 13 and enabled constructive discussion with the relevant institutions: Ministry of Employment, Occupational Safety and Health Directorate and Labor Inspectorate. Following the event, the Q&A document was prepared in order to assist members. These activities are the result of our proactive approach and aim to enable FIC to be included in discussion, having in mind the experience of members since the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic.
Dialogue on Working from Home
Dialogue on Working from Home