Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Standing Out as Leader in Digitalization

Digital & E-Commerce Committee - Activities

Standing Out as Leader in Digitalization

Standing Out as Leader in Digitalization

On May 14, at the beginning of the BoD Session, discussion was organized with the D&E Commerce Committee on how to engage more and profile FIC as a leader in digitalization.

In a discussion with the Committee VP Marija Djindjic, it was concluded that the recently agreed cooperation with FEFA and Nedeljnik Magazine to promote companies’ best practices should be utilized. It was also agreed that it would be useful to launch a project where member companies’ representatives would visit schools and universities in order to share best practices. D&C Committee plans were discussed and assessed as very solid. However, it was concluded that the Committee should identify priorities and clear KPIs and for this purpose utilize FIC strengths such as best member companies’ practices, potential to share knowledge and educate citizens, ability to help shape solid legal framework, and to assess broader implications of digitalization, such as in tax area.