Foreign Investors Council
47, Gospodar Jevremova Street, IV Floor, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3281 958, 3281 965

Tatjana Isakov

Tatjana Isakov is a company lawyer with 35 years of experience in real estate.

From April of 2010 she is the Head of the Asset Management Department of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad, which manages NIS’s real estate portfolio (facilities and plots) and provides real estate legal support for construction projects (construction of gas stations, oil and gas complexes, wells, pipelines, etc.). From October 2004-October 2005 she was Head of the Asset Management Sector of NIS p.e. Novi Sad – NIS-GAS and also was leading lawyer in the Project for the construction of underground gas storage Banatski Dvor – phase 1.

Working in the local government – urbanism, planning and construction sector (before joining NIS in 2004), Tatjana acquired extensive experience in real estate, urban planning and construction from a local government position. In addition to that, she has further improved her competencies in the field of real estate and related projects from a corporate position, and has gained invaluable experience in corporate communications, including communication with government authorities.

Tatjana passed the bar exam. She is fluent in Russian and has good working proficiency in English.

Tatjana is a longtime active member of the FIC Infrastructure and Real Estate and Infrastructure Committee as a representative on behalf of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad.

Tatjana actively participated in the work of FIC by analyzing and commenting on numerous drafts, with a focus on the analysis of numerous draft laws (the Law on Mining and Geological Research, the Expropriation Law, the Law on Planning and Construction, etc.) as well as making proposals for their improvement.

She is actual Vice President of the FIC Infrastructure and Real Estate Committee.